VAT Calculator

Calculate VAT at 20% with our simple online tool. You can add VAT to a price, remove VAT from a gross amount, and view detailed workings.

Add VAT to Price

Remove VAT from Price

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How do I add VAT to a price?
To add VAT, multiply the original amount by 20% (or 0.20). Then, add this VAT amount to the original amount to get the gross amount.
2. How do I remove VAT from a price?
To remove VAT, divide the gross amount by 1.20. This will give you the amount before VAT was added.
3. What is the VAT rate?
The VAT rate used in this calculator is 20%.
4. Is this VAT Calculator free to use?
Yes, the VAT Calculator is free to use and helps you quickly calculate VAT and its impact on prices.
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